solar PV

Vector Cuatro Signs an Asset Management Contract in Japan

published 2015 年 11 月 27 日 13:57
Vector Cuatro, an advisor and manager to renewable energy development, has signed an agreement for the asset management of a solar PV project owned by one of the most important companies in the Pacific energy sector. This agreemen...  more

Duke Energy Adds 30MW of Solar in North Carolina

published 2015 年 09 月 14 日 17:01
Duke Energy Renewables has completed four solar PV projects, totaling 30MW, in Eastern North Carolina, which are respectively located in Creswell, Everetts, Battleboro and Sunbury. With the latest additions, Duke Energy now posses...  more

Wesleyan University to Utilize 750kW Solar Array

published 2015 年 08 月 31 日 15:51
Wesleyan University has selected Greenskies Renewable Energy LLC. to construct a 750kWac ground-mounted solar PV array at the University’s Long Lane and Wadsworth Road on the campus. The solar array is expected to generate 1.2 mil...  more

This Week’s Spot Price (Aug. 24~28)

published 2015 年 08 月 27 日 15:00
Solar PV products’ spot prices remained stable despite the current RMB currency devaluation and globally financial tumbles during the past week. Instead, strong demand for PV products sustained the spot prices so that PV manufactu...  more

SunEdison Built a 1MW Canal Top PV Array in Karnataka, India

published 2015 年 06 月 24 日 14:47
The Gujarat canel-top solar system. (Source: Wikipedia)  SunEdison has completed a 1MWdc canal top solar power plant built for Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Ltd (KBJNL), the Karnataka government agency responsible for the Kri...  more