solar PV

Global Trend: Material Shortage May Alleviate in September as Inflation Gradually Stabilizes in Supply Chain

published 2020 年 08 月 27 日 17:10
Polysilicon The prices of polysilicon continue to elevate this week, and have once again climbed to new heights as we approach the end of the month, where the price of mono polysilicon has been adjusted upward to RMB 92-102/kg, with an average price of RMB 100/kg, whereas the average price of multi polysilicon has exceeded RMB 70/kg, with the price range reaching RMB 65-72/kg. ...  more

Global Trend: Differentiated Domestic and Overseas Market Status Sustained by Modules Under Continuous Inflation of Polysilicon Prices

published 2020 年 08 月 20 日 16:37
Polysilicon The prices of polysilicon continue to elevate this week due to unstableness. Looking at the current severe shortage in the supply of polysilicon, there are 4 manufacturers in Xinjiang, the primary area for polysilicon provision, that are currently in the midst of overhaul subsequent to the work incident at the Xinjiang factory of GCL, which affected half of the polysilicon output in the area. ...  more

Global Trend: Module Quoted Prices Rise in Non-Chinese Markets While All Segments of the Industry Chain in Negotiation

published 2020 年 08 月 13 日 17:25
Polysilicon The price of polysilicon continued to rise this week, and the market remained on an upward trajectory. Impacted by the insufficient supply of polysilicon in the market, the polysilicon companies that were still in production have raised their prices one after another. The overall price increase in the past two weeks has exceeded 15% on average. ...  more

Global Trend: Competitive Bargaining among Suppliers and Buyers May Decelerate Demand Recovery from Comprehensive Price Increase in Supply Chain

published 2020 年 08 月 06 日 16:33
Polysilicon The prices of polysilicon have increased substantially under the impact from restricted market supply. The current average prices of mono polysilicon and multi polysilicon have elevated to RMB55/kg and RMB83/kg respectively, whereas the polysilicon prices from the overseas markets have escalated to US$8.2-9/kg, and the global polysilicon quotation has exceeded US$10/kg.  ...  more

Taking Advantage of Its Abundant Solar Resource, WA Aims to Boost Its Economy with an AU$66.3 Million Renewable Investment Program

published 2020 年 08 月 01 日 10:30
As the name indicates, Western Australia (WA) occupies almost the entire western part of Australia. It is the largest of Australia’s six states, spanning an area of around 2.52 million square kilometers and accounting for one-third of the country’s landmass. WA also has the highest level of solar irradiation and the highest PV installation rate in the country. Banking on the region’s abundant solar resource, the WA Government has decided to launch a renewable investment program to accelerate the recovery of the state’s economy that has been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan includes an investment of AU$56.4 million (or NT$1.17 billion) in PV generation. ...  more

Global Trend: Modules Remain Constant Amidst Price Increase from all Sectors as Supply Chain Enters Bargaining Phase

published 2020 年 07 月 30 日 18:56
Polysilicon The quotations in the polysilicon market this week are continuously elevating as anticipated, with the current closing price for the overall monograde polysilicon increasing to RMB$68-70/kg, and the quotation for polysilicon in the overseas market has also been simultaneously elevated to US$7.7-8.2/kg, where the high point for the global polysilicon quotation can reach to US$9.486/kg. ...  more