solar energy

How Solar Energy May Improve Your Relationship

published 2020 年 02 月 14 日 18:00
Lehi, Utah, Feb. 12, 2020 It's Valentine's Day! Do you want to improve your relationship with your significant other? Vivint Solar reports that 75% of Americans routinely argue over the temperature in their homes, with 64% admitting to underhandedly changing the temperature to suit their own comfort instead of their partner's. ...  more

Your Monday Briefings: All the Solar News (Week 3)

published 2020 年 01 月 13 日 17:44
Everything you need to know about the solar power markets and companies is all here. There are tenders open in Bangladesh and China. Brazil is cancelling its “solar tax”. Keep reading if you want to remain one step ahead. Image...  more

Taking Inspiration from Plants’ Phototropism, New Solar Power System Harvests Up to 400% More Energy

published 2019 年 12 月 03 日 15:02
In an effort to capture more sunlight, solar power experts and technicians wrack their brains to find the perfect angle for solar panels, sometimes even needing sun-tracking mounting systems to do the job. But now, a group of American scientists took inspiration from heliotropic plants and created a solar power system that can automatically change its positioning, which allows it to capture up to 400% more sunlight compared to traditional solar technology. ...  more

Meteoric Rise of Middle East Solar Power with 5GW of New PV Capacity Annually

published 2019 年 11 月 12 日 0:00
The Middle East has long been considered as the global production base for oil and natural gas.  However, there are increasing global requirements for greenhouse gas emission reduction. Renewable energy technology is gaining popularity in recent years. Moreover, the oil prices have been on the decline since 2014.  ...  more

Tesla Officially Rolls Out Its 3rd-Generation Solar Roof

published 2019 年 11 月 05 日 9:30
After giving notice for quite a while, Tesla has finally rolled out its third-generation Solar Roof the other day and has started to accept orders. According to the company, it is now capable of installing up to 1,000 sets on a weekly basis. ...  more

Global Warming Cripples Solar Power Generation

published 2019 年 09 月 03 日 0:00
Credit: JR via Flickr Global warming has made climate change more and more extreme around the world. In addition to the ecological environment and people's quality of life, even solar power efficiency is subject to its impact. According to MIT scientists, ...  more