South Australia Achieves One Day of Being Powered by Just PV Systems and Wind Turbines

published 2021 年 01 月 21 日 18:30
Thanks to its abundant sunshine, South Australia was able to have PV generation meet all of its electricity demand for one hour on October 11 of last year. Soon afterward, the state achieved another major feat of being powered completely by renewables. The Energy Transition Hub, which is a project launched by the University of Melbourne, has been tracking the distribution of energy sources in Australia using a data collection tool known as OpenNEM. It has found that solar PV and wind power accounted for 99.6% of the electricity in South Australia’s grid on December 27 of last year, a just a few days before the end of the holiday season. ...  more

Government of Taiwan Now Focuses on Rooftop PV and Aquavoltaics as Means to Achieve Solar Target of 8.75GW for 2021

published 2021 年 01 月 18 日 18:30
In 2019, the government of Taiwan set a solar target of 6.5GW in cumulative installed capacity by the end of 2020. However, a review of the progress in the installation of new PV systems across the island during 2020 finds that quite a few solar projects were delayed due to the unfavorable changes in land-use regulations and the lack of distribution lines for grid connection. Now, the government says that the 6.5GW target will be reached later in the first quarter of 2021. Moreover, the government has just announced a new target of 8.75GW in cumulative installed capacity for 2021. ...  more

South Korea Still Has Strong Demand for PV Products from China Despite Having Well-Known Domestic Solar Enterprises

published 2021 年 01 月 12 日 18:30
Moon Jae-in, the current President of South Korea, has promised that renewables will account for 20% of the country’s energy mix by 2030. A key plank of the strategy for reaching this target is fostering the development of local solar enterprises and PV power stations. However, a recent report from the Korea International Trade Association (KITA) states that South Korea’s solar market still depends heavily on imports from China. ...  more

SolarEdge Targets Large End-Users with Integrated PV Solutions Featuring Arc Fault Detection and Rapid Shutdown

published 2021 年 01 月 05 日 18:02
Generally speaking, PV systems are safe to use if they are properly installed and regularly maintained. Still, more can be done to make them even safer, more reliable, and more intelligent. Continuous improvements in the safety of PV systems is obviously something welcomed by system operators and end-users. “There is no compromise to safety,” said Owen Tsai, director at SolarEdge Technologies Taiwan. ...  more