PV Industry Monthly Price Report

published 2021 年 05 月 24 日 16:01
1.  Spot Prices of Polysilicon for Current Month and Forecast for Next Month Mono Polysilicon/Multi Polysilicon/Overseas Polysilicon Monthly Price Trend of Polysilicon 2. Spot Prices of Wafers for Current Month and Forecast for ...  more

Photovoltaic Industry Price Trend: Module Sector May Face New Negotiation in Subsequent Market Amidst Rising Prices in the Overall Supply Chain

published 2021 年 05 月 20 日 16:35
Polysilicon  Polysilicon quotations continued to rise this week, where both mono and multi polysilicon had increased simultaneously. The excess demand status in polysilicon recently has exceeded the market anticipation, with an unabated inflation tendency, and businesses have commented on the persistently constrained polysilicon orders while maintaining on a market quotation of RMB 160-170/kg. ...  more

PV Industry Monthly Report

published 2021 年 05 月 19 日 17:27
Polysilicon Polysilicon Price Trend and Commentary Analysis on Effective Capacity of Polysilicon Suppliers Analysis on Monthly Output of Polysilicon Suppliers Analysis on LTAs Between Polysilicon and Wafer Suppliers Analysis on P...  more

Global PV Industry Supply Report

published 2021 年 05 月 19 日 12:01
Capacity and Output Overview for Various Segments of Industry Chain Capacity and Output Overview for Polysilicon, Wafers, Cells, and Modules Production Capacity Database of Supply Chain Polysilicon Capacity (Total Capacity/Prod...  more

Global PV Industry Demand Report

published 2021 年 05 月 19 日 11:40
Global PV Market Overview and Analysis Global PV Demand – Overview and Analysis Global PV Market Dynamics – Overview Asia-Pacific Major Regional Markets: Mainland China, India, Japan, Australia, Vietnam, South Korea, Taiwan, an...  more

Photovoltaic Industry Price Trend: Polysilicon Prices Expected to Rise to New Heights in 3rd Quarter as Upstream Inflation Persists in Wafers and Cells

published 2021 年 05 月 13 日 16:44
Polysilicon Polysilicon quotations had elevated drastically this week, with no stoppages seen just yet. Most polysilicon businesses have signed for the long-term orders of this month after the Labor Day holiday, with the average concluded price of mono polysilicon sitting at roughly RMB 155/kg, though the continuously rising concluded prices for partial sporadic orders have actuated the mainstream quotations for mono polysilicon to RMB 148-162/kg, whereas multi polysilicon is now RMB 65-80/kg in mainstream quotations. ...  more

BEE Signs Agreement with UKA to Develop a 500MWp PV Portfolio in Germany

published 2021 年 05 月 06 日 9:30
Blue Elephant Energy (BEE) announced on April 15 that its subsidiary BEE Development has signed a framework agreement with Umweltergerechte Kraftanlagen (UKA) to develop a PV portfolio with a generation capacity of 500MWp. BEE is a company that acquires and operates PV and wind projects, while UKA specializes in building turnkey PV projects. Both companies are based in Germany. According to the framework agreement, UKA will design and construct PV projects that will later come under the ownership of BEE. ...  more

IEO Forecasts That Poland Will Install 2GW of PV Generation Capacity in 2021

published 2021 年 04 月 30 日 9:30
The Institute of Renewable Energy (Instytut Energetyki Odnawialnej, or IEO) stated via a news release on March 17 that Poland is forecasted to add 2GW of PV generation capacity in 2021. IEO is a Polish research organization that covers renewable energies. In its news release, IEO also stated that Poland’s total installed PV generation capacity will grow to the level of 15GW by 2025. ...  more