Myanmar extends deadline for 1 GW PV tender

published 2021 年 09 月 17 日 17:53
Myanmar's Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE) has announced that the bid submission date for the 1 GW PV tender it launched in May has been extended to October without any reason. The previous deadline had been set for Augus...  more

Qihe County of Shandong Province Commences DG PV Program and Strives to Reach GW Level in Two Years

published 2021 年 09 月 17 日 9:30
Qihe County, which is located in the northwestern part of China’s Shandong Province, formally initiated a major DG PV program on September 16, according to the reporting from the local news outlets. This is a multi-year program, and the county aims to have achieved the followings by 2024: (1) the installed DG PV generation capacity of the county reaching the GW level, (2) the PV electricity output of the county exceeding 1,000GWh, (3) DG PV systems comprising more than 75% of the county’s generation capacity based on new energy technologies, and (4) DG PV generation meeting more than 20% of the county’s energy consumption. ...  more

PV Industry Price Trend: End Sector Forces an Incandescence State in Module Prices amidst Apparent Inflation from Upstream Sector

published 2021 年 09 月 16 日 16:29
Polysilicon Polysilicon quotations continued to rise this week, where most concluded transactions had come from sporadic orders. The demand for sporadic polysilicon orders has ascended significantly amidst the continuously increasing operating rate from downstream wafer businesses, while most first-tier businesses are currently delivering products according to the September orders that were previously locked on, with essentially no additional products for sales, and individual businesses are also successively signing for October orders. ...  more

PV Industry Price Trend: Apparent Bargaining from Lowered Acceptance of the Downstream Sector amidst Incessantly Decelerated Inflation of Polysilicon and Wafers

published 2021 年 09 月 09 日 17:35
Polysilicon Polysilicon prices remained on a minor inflation tendency this week, with a marginal increase seen in mono polysilicon prices. The constrained supply of polysilicon persists under the constantly elevating operating rate from downstream wafer businesses and the unimpeded release of new capacity. Mono polysilicon has arrived at RMB 205-215/kg in mainstream quotation this week, with a comparatively higher concluded price for partial sporadic orders under the actuation of demand. ...  more

Hive Energy launched JV to develop 350MW of PV in New Zealand

published 2021 年 09 月 08 日 16:47
Hive Energy, Ethical Power and Solar South West have launched a new joint venture (JV) which will combine their knowledge in areas spanning site selection, project design, construction, and operations and maintenance. JV will deve...  more

PV Industry Price Trend: Cost Increment Actuates Comprehensive Inflation in Supply Chain with Modules and Auxiliary Materials Still Fermenting

published 2021 年 09 月 02 日 17:38
Polysilicon Polysilicon quotations continued to rise this week, with an inflation trend seen in the prices of both mono and multi polysilicon. A partial number of businesses are successively signing for September orders in the current polysilicon market, and the volume of orders has significantly elevated according to the status of concluded transactions. ...  more

PV Industry Price Trend: Restricted Space for Polysilicon Inflation in September under Simultaneous Increase in Wafer and Cell Prices

published 2021 年 08 月 26 日 15:44
Polysilicon Polysilicon quotations had maintained on a high level this week, with a continuous ascension seen in partial sporadic orders. The purchase willingness has become vigorous for the downstream sector as the end of the month approaches, though new orders are mostly sporadic and additional orders, where the quotations are RMB 2/kg higher than that of mainstream market prices. ...  more

PV Industry Price Trend: Supply Chain Enters Another Bargaining Phase as Elevated Cell and Module Cost Impede Orders Signing and Resulted in a Wait-and-See Attitude from the End Sector

published 2021 年 08 月 19 日 16:16
Polysilicon Polysilicon quotations had slightly recovered this week, with supply of the product turning constrained. The recovery in the prices from the downstream industry chain, coupled with the lack of products for sales from most businesses during August, have exerted a certain degree of impact on polysilicon prices, and sporadic quotations in the current polysilicon market have marginally risen. Mono polysilicon quotation had increased to RMB 206/kg this week. ...  more

SEIA Opposes Suniva and Auxin Solar’s Petition for Extending Section 201 Tariffs

published 2021 年 08 月 19 日 9:30
American PV module manufacturers Suniva and Auxin Solar are reportedly to have sent a petition to the US International Trade Commission (ITC) asking for an extension of the enforcement of the Section 201 tariffs. The tariffs, which will remain effective up to February 2022, were introduced in 2018 to limit imports of PV modules and cells from other countries, especially China. ...  more

UGT Renewables Is Working with Serbian Government to Install 1GW of PV Generation

published 2021 年 08 月 13 日 9:30
high voltage transmittion tower and landscape during sunset Various renewable energy news websites have reported that the government of Serbia is in talks with UGT Renewables for the installation of 1GW of PV generation. The president’s office of Serbia announced in early August that the country’s energy ministry has signed a cooperation agreement with UGT to build PV power plants that will have a total area of around 2,000ha across 10 or more sites. Based in the US, UGT is a developer of PV projects. ...  more