energy storage

The First MW Level Campus Energy Storage System in Asia-Pacific Co-established by Orsted and Delta Electronics Completed and Initiated at NCUE

published 2020 年 06 月 24 日 18:30
Orsted announced on the 17th of June that the 1MW/1MWh energy storage demonstration system at the Bao-Shan Campus of the National Changhua University of Education has been officially initiated, and will be used for academic researches in elevating the efficiency and stability of the power grid in the future by integrating industry-government-university resources. ...  more

NEC to Leave Grid-Level Energy Storage Business Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

published 2020 年 06 月 19 日 18:30
Japanese company NEC is about to gradually phase out its grid-level energy storage business. According to reports, the COVID-19 pandemic has put a major dent in NEC’s sales plans, leading the company to terminate the operations of its NEC Energy Solutions business unit. ...  more

Statkraft Enters Agreement to Purchase Power from a Solar and Storage Project in the UK

published 2020 年 06 月 11 日 18:30
Statkraft AS, a major energy company owned by the Norwegian government, signed a hybrid power purchase and optimization agreement with Warrington Renewables (York) Ltd. on May 28. This deal will allow Statkraft to manage a solar and storage project owned by Warrington Renewables, which is an entity under the Warrington Borough Council. ...  more

Energy Storage Invested by Bill Gates Transcended Commercialization and Achieved 150 Hours of Electricity Storage Time

published 2020 年 06 月 08 日 18:30
Form Energy, invested by Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, is about to realize the next generation of prolonged battery energy storage technology by having signed a contract with Great River Energy, the second largest power company in Minnesota, on developing a 1MW/150MWh pilot power plant, which claims to store electricity for a much longer period of 150 hours in contrast to the existing lithium battery power plants. ...  more

Scotland Plans to Establish a 250KW Pilot Power Plant by Transforming Abandoned Pits to Gravity Energy Storage Systems

published 2020 年 06 月 05 日 12:30
There might just be additional purposes for abandoned drilling platforms and pits. Scottish startup Gravitricity is planning to construct a 250KW gravity energy storage pilot plant in Leith of Edinburgh, which utilizes weight potential energy to invigorate generators to generate power and store further excessive local renewable energy. ...  more

Residential Solar Energy Storage Market 2020-2024: The Rising Energy Costs to Boost Growth

published 2020 年 05 月 31 日 18:00
Technavio has been monitoring the residential solar energy storage market and it is poised to grow by $26.59 bn during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of about 37% during the forecast period. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment. ...  more