Europe green energy

Grid-Connected PV Installation Surpasses 100GW in Europe

published 2016 年 05 月 06 日 17:54
The amount of grid-connected PV installation officially surpassed 100GW in Europe in 2Q16. Demand will mainly come from distributed generation in the future and the UK, France, and Germany will have the most demand. Accord...  more

LBBW-financed Solar Park in Scandinavia Starting Operation

published 2016 年 01 月 27 日 16:18
Approximately 60 million kWh of electricity is being generated by the biggest solar park in Scandinavia – sufficient energy to provide green power to around 30,000 private households. Situated in Lerchenborg in D...  more

Panasonic Extends HIT Product Guarantee to 15 Years, in Europe

published 2016 年 01 月 08 日 16:34
Panasonic’s leading PV module product, the high efficiency photovoltaic Module HIT®, will have a longer product guarantee period in Europe. The claim rate of Panasonic’s HIT® modules in the European market has remained at a level ...  more

UK, Germany Unveil Solar Installation Data, FiT Policy Counts

published 2016 年 01 月 07 日 17:53
UK and Germany, the two leaders in European solar market, have respectively unveiled solar installation figures for period of December 1, 2014 to November 30, 2015. During this period, Germany has added 1.28GW of new solar systems...  more

Gintech Signs to Deliver 200MW PV Modules to Europe in 2016

published 2015 年 11 月 05 日 11:44
Taiwan-based Gintech Energy Corporationannounced an exclusive PV module supply agreement with MPRIME, a channel subsidiary of the European PV integrator Martifer Solar. In 2016, Gintech will deliver 200MW of PV modules to M...  more