Europe green energy

Greece’s 2023 PV additions hit 1.59 GW

published 2024 年 04 月 03 日 10:13
Greece’s public administration does not have an institution that publishes regular energy statistics for all technologies and supporting schemes. Different institutions therefore often publish reports covering different segments o...  more

Germany Wind Power Market Report 2020-2025: COVID-19 Implications

published 2020 年 08 月 04 日 10:00
In 2019, around 60.4 GW of new wind power capacity was added globally, making it the second-largest year in history and close to the largest year in 2015 (63.8 GW), bringing global cumulative wind power capacity up to 651 GW. The massive wind turbine installation was primarily the result of a strong year in both China and the US: the world's two largest markets ahead of the expiry of Feed-in Tariffs (FiT) for onshore in the first country and the PTC (extended until the end of 2020 in Dec 2019) in the second. ...  more

Thanks to Ultra-Large-Scale Offshore Wind Farms, Britain’s Green Energy Production Overtakes Fossil Fuel Energy for the First Time

published 2019 年 10 月 28 日 11:10
Congratulations are in order; the UK’s green energy output has surpassed fossil fuel energy for the first time since the nation built its first coal-based power plant in London in 1882. Renewable energy now constitutes 40% of the UK’s Q3 energy output, as multiple offshore wind farms become integrated into the electrical grid. ...  more

Scania Installs Largest Solar Roof in the Netherlands

published 2017 年 07 月 03 日 10:53
Scania has taken its latest significant step in its transition to using exclusively renewable energy in its production activities. The company's production unit in Zwolle, Overijssel, will install the largest solar roof in the Net...  more