China green energy

Wuxi Suntech to Purchase 180MW of PV Cells from LONGi

published 2015 年 06 月 05 日 17:29
Wuxi Suntech has signed a purchase agreement with Lerri Solar, a wholly-owned subsidiary of LONGi, to buy 180MW of mono-si PV cells within a 12-month period. Under the agreement, the amount of contract in the first seven months wo...  more

China Offers Additional Incentives for Beijing EV Customers

published 2015 年 05 月 27 日 17:46
The Chinese Government has decided to offer additional incentives for customers who purchase electric vehicles (EVs) in Beijing. Car buyers in Beijing typically have to deal with high costs and restrictions on when they c...  more

China MingYang Wind Power Acquires RENergy for Advanced R&D

published 2015 年 05 月 19 日 15:55
China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited (Ming Yang) announced that it has acquired a 99% stake in China Smart Electric Group Limited, a Cayman Islands company that owns all of the equity interest in Wise Renergy Holdings Limited...  more

Market for PV Systems Heats Up due to Growing Demands in China

published 2015 年 05 月 14 日 17:29
China’s domestic PV demand continues to rise in May. Hence, the leading PV companies are now expanding their businesses into the downstream sector, focusing on PV system in particular. This in turn drives the capacity expan...  more

Conclusion of Review of 2012’s Antidumping Postponed

published 2015 年 05 月 12 日 16:17
The U.S. Department of Commerce is conducting a new shipper review (NSR) of the anti-dumping duties imposed on certain crystalline silicon PV cells imported from China. The final ruling of the review was originally scheduled to be...  more