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Mehmet DUKKANCI Agoraes Exhibition Service General Manager |
After a period of almost 2 months, we are organizing the 2nd RENSEF Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Exhibition between October 30 - November 02, 2014 in Antalya, Turkey. A majority of the exhibiting companies will be in RENSEF in order to exhibit the latest technologies, devices and equipments about generating free electricity out of the sun.
In our conversations with our exhibitors, we have specified that there are many firms that provide cheap energy solutions for the big energy consumers, hotel owners, big greenhouse owners and big supermarkets. Besides that, there are some companies that are very ambitious about many important issues that they may provide good solutions.
Some of our exhbitors suggest solar agricultural irrigation solutions. When it comes to solar irrigations, we wanted to consult the matter to farming communities. In the past 15 days, we have visited Ahmet Dalli the Antalya Director of Provincial Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry, Nazif Alp the president of Antalya Chamber of Farmers, Vahap Tuncer the President of Antalya Chamber of Agricultural Engineers, Turkay Ozgur the Director of the 13th Region of DSI State Hydraulic Works, Yusuf Erdemir The president of Antalya Electric Technicians, Tradesmen and Artisans Chamber, Tamer Ates the president of All Renewable Energies Association.
During these visits, we informed them about RENSEF Exhibition and Forum, and we also asked them about solar agricultural irrigation. General conclusion can be summarized as follows: Agricultural irrigation has been heard a little bit. But no one has seen a concrete and working model without any problem. Solar agricultural irrigation is a new subject. And it is also an interesting topic. It can be a solution for irrigation unions that are closed because they were unable to collect the electricity cost from their members. Thus, we realized that we touched on an important issue.
Our teammate Fatma tried to reach the 365-odd irrigation associations last week. We encountered with a lot of news while we were trying to reach the irrigation unions' data on the internet. The common direction of the news; the irrigation unions that are closed because they were unable to collect the electricity cost from the member farmers… So, the subject is extremely serious. Significant! So, each solution provided in this segment of the market is the benefit for the country. However, everyone wants to see concrete examples and want straight prices for the projects. In addition, there is another market for solar irrigation. It is the solar park, garden irrigation systems of municipalities. This time there is a more corporate structure in front of us. Municipalities!
Thereupon, we have made a proposal to the institutions and said that let us organize an event that is composed of two sessions. In a session, let us explain the problems and expectations about solar irrigation. In the second session, let the companies that provide solutions on this subject tell about their one project that is successful, running smoothly in 10-minutes short period of time. Let everyone from agriculture industry support this event. The most important thing is that farmers and irrigation unions should come to this event. Let them listen, learn and request a proposal from the companies. The idea found a suitable field. We are organizing an event on this subject. We will announce the special program as it takes the final shape. Especially, we are inviting the companies that are active in agricultural irrigation industry to tell their successful projects to the farmers and to take place in RENSEF 2014 Exhibition.
Under such preparation, we invite all farmers and manufacturers that need solar greenhouse implementations, solar irrigation systems and solar agricultural implementations to the 2nd RENSEF Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Exhibition that will be organized between October 30 - November 02, 2014 in Turkey, Antalya for finding a solution to irrigation electricity debts that can not be paid. We have forwarded this invitation to 81 Directorates of Provincial Food Agriculture and Livestock, The Chambers of Agriculture, Chambers of Agricultural Engineers, Agricultural Credit Cooperatives Union, Irrigation Unions, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Exporters' Associations, 21 Regional Electricity Distribution Companies' (Utilities) executives, DSI State Hydraulic Works Regional Directorates officials all around Turkey.
Thus, under these developments, we would like to invite the companies that have a solution for solar irrigation systems to join us, to exhibit in RENSEF 2014 in order to collect the solar irrigation demand.
We will be glad to see you among us in the 2nd RENSEF Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Exhibition between October 30 - November 02, 2014 in Turkey, Antalya.