Polysilicon prices continued to fall after the Labor Day holiday. Quotations for this update comprise of prices over the past two weeks, and indicate a slightly expanded reduction on the whole, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 158/kg and RMB 155/kg. ...  more
Price Trend
Cell and Module Prices Temporarily Stabilized as Polysilicon Widened in Price Reduction |
published: 2023-04-27 15:30 |
Polysilicon prices had enlarged in reduction this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 178/kg and RMB 175/kg under an average drop of roughly 7.8%. ...  more
Wafers Await Re-Pricing as Overall Industry Chain Strongly Anticipates Price Reduction |
published: 2023-04-20 15:22 |
Polysilicon prices continued to drop this week at a slightly decelerated degree compared to that of last week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 193/kg and RMB 190/kg. ...  more
Cells and Modules May Drop in Prices amidst Continuously Rising Wafer Output |
published: 2023-04-13 17:26 |
Polysilicon prices continued to drop this week, with a gradually expanding interval for concluded prices, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 198/kg and RMB 195/kg. ...  more
Module Prices Expected to Rise as Polysilicon Persists in Slow Price Reduction |
published: 2023-04-06 15:41 |
Polysilicon prices continued to drop slowly this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 207/kg and RMB 203/kg. ...  more
Constrained Wafer Supply Marginally Mitigated amidst Sluggish Market Transactions |
published: 2023-03-30 14:45 |
Polysilicon prices continued to drop slowly this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 210/kg and RMB 205/kg. This week saw fewer polysilicon transactions, where only a segment of businesses had signed for their April orders, and wafer businesses, who are sitting on sufficient polysilicon to maintain recent production, are attempting to delay their procurement demand as polysilicon prices continue to fall. ...  more
Modules Risen Significantly in Order Inquiries as Wafer Prices Persist under Inflation Dynamics |
published: 2023-03-23 15:45 |
Polysilicon prices continued to drop slowly this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 215/kg and 210/kg. ...  more
Wafer Supply Remains Insufficient as Polysilicon Prices Continue to Loosen |
published: 2023-03-16 17:06 |
Polysilicon prices continued to loosen this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 220/kg and RMB 215/kg. ...  more
Slow Reduction in Polysilicon Prices; Crucible Shortages May Result in Continuous Inflation for Wafers |
published: 2023-03-09 17:16 |
Polysilicon prices continued to drop at a small margin this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 235/kg and RMB 220/kg. ...  more
Wafer Output Affected by Crucibles; Overall Industry Chain Prices Dropped Except Wafers |
published: 2023-03-02 15:29 |
Polysilicon prices had slightly dropped this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 235/kg and RMB 220/kg. ...  more