This week, the overall market still showed mixed developments: the prices of the mono-Si products maintained their stability, while the prices of the multi-Si products were declining, which has spread to the entire supply chain.

Image by Samuel Faber from Pixabay
The prices of the mono-Si products were supported by the stable supply and demand, which could even result in excess demand. The prices of the multi-Si products, on the other hand, were still in a free fall. The extent of the decline was not that alarming. However, the fact that this decline saw no end in sight was still worrying. Looking ahead, the next surge comes from the restocking before the Chinese New Year. Some major overseas markets were not doing as well as expected. However, the existing capacity for manufacturing could still manage to deliver the current orders and fulfill the expectations of the market. It is to be hoped that the new year could bring a whiff of optimism.
The price of the polysilicon still remained the same as last week: the prices of the mono-Si products maintained their stability, while the prices of the multi-Si products were declining this week. The price of the polysilicon continued to be revised down. To reduce inventory, some manufacturers were still willing to accept orders at a lower price. The price of the mono-grade polysilicon showed a flattened trend due to a stable demand and inventory level.
In the Chinese domestic market, the price range of the mono-grade polysilicon is 69~75 RMB/KG at the moment. The range of polysilicon price revision is 48~53 RMB/KG. The average price is lowered to 51 RMB/KG. In the overseas market, the range of the price revision is 8.59~9.09 USD/KG. The average price is lowered to 8.76 USD/KG. The global average price is lowered to 8.48 USD/KG.
The prices of wafers, both mono- and multi-Si, continued their steady trend. Therefore the end-of-month average contract price of mono-Si wafers has not changed very much this month. Some cell manufacturers were stocking up for the orders before the Chinese New Year. The market supply was starting to tighten as the demand rose. The priority of the mono-Si wafers was to keep digesting the inventory. And the prices did not change much as a result.
In the overseas market, the price range of the multi-Si wafer remains unchanged at 0.197~0.203 USD/Pc at the moment. The price of the black silicon products is lowered to 0.248 USD/Pc. The price range of the 156.75 mm mono-Si wafer remains unchanged at 0.380~0.421 USD/Pc. The range of the large size wafer (158.75 mm) price revision is 0.423~0.430 USD/Pc. The price of the 166.75mm wafers is lowered to 0.455 USD/Pc.
In the Chinese domestic market, the price range of the 156.75 mm multi-Si wafer remains unchanged at 1.55~1.65 RMB/Pc. The price of black silicon products is lowered to 1.96 RMB/Pc. The price range of the cast-mono wafers remains unchanged at 2.65~2.68 RMB/Pc. The price range of the 156.75 mm mono-Si wafer remains unchanged at 2.95~3.13 RMB/Pc. The price range of the large size mono-Si wafer (158.75 mm) remains unchanged at 3.28~3.37 RMB/Pc. The price of the 166.75 mm wafers remains unchanged at 3.40 RMB/Pc.
This week, the changes in cell market prices were mainly demonstrated in the hot-selling products. No change took place in the mid-range products. The demand for mono-Si products was still higher than that for their multi-Si counterparts. The latter’s price continued to fall.
In the overseas market, the price range of the general multi-Si cell remains unchanged at 0.078~0.116 USD/W at the moment. The average price is lowered to 0.082 USD/W. The price range of the general mono-Si cells remains unchanged at 0.102~0.107 USD/W. The price range of the high-efficiency mono-Si cells remains unchanged. Changed between 0.112~0.133 USD/W. The range of the superior high-efficiency mono-Si cells (>21.7%) price revision is 0.116~0.165 USD/W. The average price remains unchanged at 0.124 USD/W.
In the Chinese domestic market, the range of the general multi-Si cell price revision is 0.59~0.63 RMB/W. The price of the high-efficiency multi-Si cells is lowered to 0.65 RMB/W. The price range of the general mono-Si cells remains unchanged at 0.80~0.85 RMB/W. The price range of the high-efficiency mono-Si cells remains unchanged at 0.87~0.93 RMB/W. The range of the superior high-efficiency mono-Si cell (>21.7%) price revision is 0.93~0.99 RMB/W. The price of the bifacial superior high-efficiency mono-Si cells (21.7%) is raised to 1.02 RMB/W.
The module market price has remained stable this week. As the end of the year nears, the ongoing projects are also about to be delivered and closed. When it comes to the pre-CNY demand for stocking up the inventory, the market is still in the wait-and-see mode.
In the overseas market, the price range of the general multi-Si (270-275W) remains unchanged at 0.196~0.205 USD/W. The price range of the high-efficiency multi-Si (280-285W) remains unchanged at 0.205~0.225 USD/W. The range of the general mono-Si (290-295W) price revision is 0.202~0.225 USD/W. The average price remains unchanged at 0.219 USD/W. The price range of the high-efficiency mono-Si (300-310W) remains unchanged at 0.295~0.320 USD/W. The price range of the superior-high efficiency mono-Si (>310W) remains unchanged at 0.233~0.395 USD/W.
In the Chinese domestic market, the price range of the general multi-Si (270W~275W) remains unchanged at 1.55~1.65 RMB/W. The price range of the high-efficiency multi-Si (280-285W) remains unchanged at 1.65~1.70 RMB/W. The price range of the general mono-Si (290W~295W) remains unchanged at 1.65~1.70 RMB/W. The price range of the high-efficiency mono-Si (300-310W) remains unchanged at 1.72~1.80 RMB/W. The price range of the superior-high efficiency mono-Si (>310W) remains unchanged at 1.78~1.84 RMB/W.
(Analysis provided by Lions Shih, analyst at EnergyTrend. Translated by Emma Hsu, translator of TrendForce Corp.)