
PV Power Price Hits New Low

published: 2018-01-25 11:29
Mass production of PV cells has driven down its prices, which, along with cost reduction for PV power generation, will great boost market acceptance for the green energy. Green energy has made major inroads into the power m...  more

ReneSola Comments on U.S. Solar Products Tariff Ruling

published: 2018-01-24 10:39
ReneSola Ltd ("ReneSola" or the "Company")  (NYSE: SOL), a leading solar project developer and operator, commented today on the imposition of safeguard tariffs on certain imported solar cells and modules. "While higher pric...  more

U.S. Will Impose 30% Tariff on Imported PV Cells and Modules

published: 2018-01-24 10:30
In a press release on Jan. 22, Robert Lighthizer, U.S. Trade Representative, announced that based on the investigative result and suggestion of the International Trade Commission (ITC), President Donald Trump has decided to impose...  more


published: 2018-01-24 9:02
The growing demand for batteries in the transportation sector and  in  renewable  energy  systems  as  a  whole  is  speeding  up  developments  in  battery production,  with  new  battery  manufacturing  technologies  and  the  ...  more

CMC Delivers Electric Motorcycles to Chunghwa Post

published: 2018-01-19 13:39
In line with the government's policy banning fuel-oil motorcycles by 2035, Chunghwa Post has taken delivery of 1,627 heavy-duty electric motorcycles, dubbed "emoving Post," from China Motor Corp. CMC points out that "emoving Post"...  more