
Airport Valet Express to Purchase 12 AVM Electric Vehicles

published: 2018-05-24 10:25
AVM has announced a memo of understanding with Airport Valet Express to purchase 12 of AVM’s all-electric vans and SUVs. Airport Valet Express provides conventional day tours and bus service for the 120-mile route between Bakersfi...  more

Bitcoin May Account for 5% of Global Power Consumption

published: 2018-05-22 14:05
With bitcoin price becoming ever higher 10 years after its debut, which topped US$9,900 in the first half of May, miners have been working frantically in mining, greatly boosting their power consumption. Alex de Vries,...  more

NTU Unveils Unique Low-Cost Carbon Conversion System

published: 2018-05-22 13:59
A research team of National Taiwan University has unveiled "hollow metallic-fiber carbon dioxide absorber" and "catalyst conversion system," both compact devices capable of catching massive amount o...  more

Daimler Announces Exit from US Energy Storage Market

published: 2018-05-17 9:51
German multinational Daimler has announced that it is restructuring of its energy storage business and will stop selling energy storage systems under the brand Mercedes-Benz Energy in the US by the end of this April. Daimle...  more