
Thanks to Ultra-Large-Scale Offshore Wind Farms, Britain’s Green Energy Production Overtakes Fossil Fuel Energy for the First Time

published: 2019-10-28 11:10
Congratulations are in order; the UK’s green energy output has surpassed fossil fuel energy for the first time since the nation built its first coal-based power plant in London in 1882. Renewable energy now constitutes 40% of the UK’s Q3 energy output, as multiple offshore wind farms become integrated into the electrical grid. ...  more

Taiwan’s Largest Green Power Park to be Ready for Operation

published: 2019-10-24 0:30
The construction of Taiwan’s Changhua Coastal PV Power Park project will  officially be completed following the installation of its third-stage onshore wind turbines, which total 2.3 MW in capacity. The PV park boasts not only 100 MW in total PV capacity, which is the largest in Taiwan, but also a total capacity of 71.2 MW for wind power. It is currently expected to generate 340 million KWh of power a year, according to the state-run Taiwan Power Company. ...  more

China’s Meteoric Rise to Energy Superpower

published: 2019-10-24 0:00
China is rising fast from zero to hero in the field of renewable energy. In 25 years, it went from having practically zero solar modules to becoming the largest PV market in the world.  ...  more

Nikkei: This Year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry Draws Attention to the Competition in Li-Ion Battery Industry

published: 2019-10-21 11:46
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to John Goodenough, Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino for their work in developing lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. The sharing of the prestigious prize among the three scientists has also reignited the market’s interest in Li-ion batteries, an energy storage technology that is now indispensable in people’s everyday lives. ...  more