
Australia Develops Solid-Anode Lithium Battery

published: 2019-12-11 0:30
A research team from Australia’s Deakin University has successfully developed a new type of solid-electrolyte solution that addresses the safety concerns of the existing lithium batteries for mobile phones, notebook PCs, and electric cars. ...  more

Offshore Wind Industry in the US Sees Increases in Installation Targets and Project Contracts

published: 2019-12-05 9:30
The offshore wind market in the US is currently experiencing rapid growth. In addition to state governments raising their targets for the installation of offshore wind turbines, wind project developers are also securing an increasing number of contracts for the construction of offshore wind farms. Recently, Phil Murphy, the Governor of New Jersey, signed an executive order that revises the state’s offshore wind energy target from 3.5GW by 2030 to 7.5GW by 2035. This directive indicates that the government of New Jersey has relaunched its offshore wind program to demonstrate a long-term commitment for developing this source of renewable energy. ...  more

Taking Inspiration from Plants’ Phototropism, New Solar Power System Harvests Up to 400% More Energy

published: 2019-12-03 15:02
In an effort to capture more sunlight, solar power experts and technicians wrack their brains to find the perfect angle for solar panels, sometimes even needing sun-tracking mounting systems to do the job. But now, a group of American scientists took inspiration from heliotropic plants and created a solar power system that can automatically change its positioning, which allows it to capture up to 400% more sunlight compared to traditional solar technology. ...  more

Tesla Debuts New Pickup Truck in a Fanfare

published: 2019-11-28 9:30
Tesla’s new electric pickup truck, dubbed Cybertruck, was officially unveiled by the company on Nov. 21; the vehicle, which sports a fancy appearance reminiscent of the Batmobile and stealth jetfighter F-117, will come with a minimum price tag of only US$39,900. ...  more