
Your Monday Briefings: All the Solar News (Week 15)

published: 2020-04-06 18:35
Welcome back to another busy week! We are covering how the experts think COVID-19 would impact the European PPA market, what companies are doing to help COVID-19 and many more! Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay COVID-19 Watch: Re...  more

Covid-19 Worsening Operations as USA Residential Solar Power Provider Sungevity Laid Off 387 Employees

published: 2020-04-06 18:30
Covid-19 has significantly impacted the solar industry of USA, and not only has it shaken up the progress in solar plant construction, but the pandemic will also lead to a substantial unemployed population. According to the data of Employment Development Department, residential solar power provider Sungevity has implemented a large-scale lay off due to the pandemic and poor operation performance, and fired 387 workers. ...  more