
Tesla Obtains Patent in Retractable Solar Panels for Cybertruck

published: 2021-06-12 9:30
The roof solar panel announced by Elon Musk that is believed to be a fraud by many people now has new development from the latest patent obtained by Tesla, though the emphasis of the patent lies on how the trailer opens up and stores the solar panels, instead of the solar panel itself.  ...  more

Solar Industry Requires Two Times the Amount of Copper Compared to Coal-Fired Power Plants as Pointed Out by IEA

published: 2021-06-11 9:30
Solar became a high-profile and compelling renewable energy technology in recent years, and had arrived at 713GW in global installed capacity in 2020, which is almost a tenfold growth compared to 73GW in 2011. Now that the demand is constantly ascending, the supply of the relevant raw materials should be placed under close observation. The new report of the International Energy Agency (IEA) also emphasizes the dependency of the solar industry on copper, especially with the copper processing industry from China.  ...  more

New Aluminum-Ion Battery that Charges 60 Times Faster than Lithium Batteries to Drastically Increase Driving Range for Electric Vehicles

published: 2021-06-10 9:30
Electric vehicles have been in hot demand for nearly a decade, though consumers are still concerned about the existing battery technology in terms of the driving range and charging speed. Australia-based Graphene Manufacturing Group (GMG) has managed to develop a new graphene-conductive aluminum battery, and claims that the new battery is able to charge 60 times faster and possesses 3 times the driving range over the best automotive lithium battery in the current market.  ...  more

Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs Adjusts Solar FiT Regulations as Severe Pandemic Status Impacts Construction Progress

published: 2021-06-10 9:30
The Ministry of Economic Affairs convened the “Approval Meeting for the Feed-in Tariffs of Renewable Energy” today (June 10th) in order to implement stable solar establishment amidst the increasingly severe COVID-19 situation, and approved solar projects, suitable for the FiT of the second half of 2021, to adopt the cap FiT of the first phase of 2021, as well as agreed to have project sites that have obtained the approval for alternatives between 2019 and 2020 extend the completion rate by another 3 months.  ...  more

Shopping Bags Turned Into Raw Material for Jet Aircraft Fuel Within an Hour

published: 2021-06-09 9:30
An elevation in the recycling rate of plastic and preventing it from becoming an eternal garbage in the environment would require an increase in its economic value of reuse, which provides incentive for the public in recycling. A recent research of the Washington State University has indicated that a new technology may slightly increase the reuse value of plastic, and is able to transform the material into an ingredient for jet aircraft fuel within an hour.   ...  more

Mitsui Will Invest in a 115MW PV Power Plant in the Philippines

published: 2021-06-09 9:30
Nikkei Asia and several news agencies have reported that Mitsui Bussan (a.k.a. Mitsui &Co. Ltd.), a major Japanese trading company, plans to build a PV power plant in the Philippines. It will be Mitsui’s first utility-scale PV project in Southeast Asia. ...  more