
Australian Scientists Plan to Use Printed Solar Cells to Power Tesla 15,000km

published: 2022-05-19 9:30
About half of human energy is used for transportation and most vehicles still use gasoline and diesel. To achieve complete carbon reduction, it is necessary to electrify vehicles and use green energy as a power source. However, the biggest concern of consumers about electric vehicles is the issue of battery life. Even though the Tesla Model 3 and Model X both claim a cruising range of 579.3 kilometers, many people still fear that an electric car will run out of electricity halfway through a trip. ...  more

Better Than Graphene, Capturing Solar Heat with Waming Culprit "Soot"

published: 2022-05-18 9:30
In addition to being used in home heating and electric water heaters, solar thermal energy can also be used for power generation and seawater desalination. Now scientists have also found more effective solar thermal energy absorbing materials using "soot," one of the culprits of global warming, to reduce production costs and create a device that is better than graphene and carbon nanotubes. ...  more

Solar Energy to Transform Energy in Gulf Countries Including Saudi Arabia

published: 2022-05-17 9:30
The Arabian Peninsula has been a barren land that could only support nomadic herding since ancient times but in the Primordial Age it was a fertile and shallow sea and, after geological changes, it came to contained a large amount of oil. In the 20th century, it became an important area affecting world history, strategy, and economy. However, the world is moving towards decarbonization and rejecting fossil fuels and, even if it does not, the oil will run out one day. ...  more

Borosil to Expand PV Glass Production by Acquiring Interfloat

published: 2022-05-17 9:30
Indian PV glass manufacturer Borosil Renewables and European counterpart Interfloat Corporation have signed an agreement under which the former will acquire 100% of the stake in the latter. Interfloat Corporation belongs to Interfloat Group, which is currently Europe’s largest PV glass manufacturer with a production capacity of 300 metric tons per day. ...  more