
EU Leaders: Invest in Wind Energy for Growth

published: 2012-05-22 15:18
European leaders meeting on 23 May to discuss how to achieve growth despite massive budgetary challenges must turn to wind energy for immediate job-creating and economic benefits. Every EU citizen is paying more than €700 for ener...  more

Information in the Market Regarding Projects in South Africa

published: 2012-05-22 15:10
Today, there is information in the market regarding Vestas being appointed preferred supplier for five projects in South Africa. Vestas can confirm we have been appointed preferred supplier for five projects in South Africa with a...  more

Siemens Receives Its First Wind Power Order in Chile

published: 2012-05-21 16:59
Siemens has received an order for a total of 50 wind turbines with a combined capacity of 115 megawatts (MW) for the El Arrayán wind power plant in Chile. This wind project will be developed as a joint venture between Pattern Ener...  more