
Campbell Dedicates 9.8-Megawatt Solar Power System

published: 2012-06-25 15:29
Campbell Soup Company (NYSE: CPB), BNB Renewable Energy Holdings, Enfinity America Corporation, FirstEnergy Solutions and SunPower Corp. (NASDAQ: SPWR) will today celebrate the completion of a 9.8-megawatt (MW) solar power system ...  more

Offshore Port Option at Sheerness to be Ended

published: 2012-06-25 15:16
Portof Sheernessand Vestas have jointly announced that further development of a Vestas facility at the port will not proceed at this stage. Port of Sheerness and Vestas thank both the local council and community for their great co...  more

Campbell Dedicates 9.8-Megawatt Solar Power System

published: 2012-06-22 15:28
Campbell Soup Company, BNB Renewable Energy Holdings, Enfinity America Corporation, FirstEnergy Solutions and SunPower Corp. will today celebrate the completion of a 9.8-megawatt (MW) solar power system at Campbell's manufacturing...  more