
MAGE SOLAR Introduces New Top-Quality 285-Watt Module

published: 2012-12-18 14:48
MAGE SOLAR, a turnkey provider of optimally coordinated PV system solutions, announced that it has released a special high-wattage version of its signature MAGE POWERTEC PLUS module. The new 72-cell 285 W polycrystalline module d...  more

Photon Energy Expands O&M Portfolio

published: 2012-12-18 14:46
Photon Energy Operations is expanding its O&M services to Southwest Germany by initially undertaking a succession of service contracts for rooftop PV plants previously serviced by the insolvent company, SunConcept GmbH. Along ...  more

Ford C-MAX is the Fastest-Selling Hybrid Ever at Launch

published: 2012-12-18 14:44
• Ford C-MAX has become the fastest-selling hybrid ever at launch, with 8,030 units sold in its first two months of sales in October and November, outpacing Toyota Camry Hybrid’s 7,300 sales in its first two full months in May an...  more

Johnson Controls Files Appeal of A123 Bankruptcy Sale

published: 2012-12-18 14:41
Company objects to delay in payment of break-up fee and expense reimbursement Johnson Controls filed an appeal in bankruptcy court of the Dec. 11, 2012 sale order approving Wanxiang's purchase of A123 Systems. As part of the sale ...  more

Abengoa Inaugurates the Castilla–La Mancha Solar Complex

published: 2012-12-17 14:27
The number of workers onsite peaked at more than 1.650 during the construction phase and 90 highly-qualified, permanent operation and maintenance jobs created. Abengoa(MCE: ABG.B), the international company that applies innovativ...  more

Extensive Restructuring and Realignment of the Sunways Group

published: 2012-12-17 14:25
Reduction of standard solar cell production capacities and increased focus on specialist solar cells (BIPV, automotive) Adjustment of business model in the area of solar modules and inverters Consistent utilization of synergies wi...  more