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Cell Efficiency Exceeds 27.02%! Yingfa Ruinen's N-type 210R Products Achieved Another Record

published: 2024-08-16 18:06

Since the beginning of the year, Yingfa Ruineng has been on a journey to improve the conversion efficiency of its cells, starting with an efficiency of 26.61% and climbing up. Recently, the conversion efficiency of the N-type 210R cells independently developed by Yingfa Ruineng has hit another amazing new high, reaching an impressive 27.02%.

The Yingfa Deyao Phase II team is not only skillful in the use of conventional technologies such as laser sintering, but also actively introduces new mass production technologies.

On the front side, the application of ultra-low surface concentration boron expansion technology further reduces the composite rate; in order to maintain the balance between electrical and optical, the latest ultra-fine metallization scheme is adopted, achieving the excellent effect of 1+1>2. On the back side, the poly multilayer film technology and the matching short-time variable temperature annealing technology are utilized to achieve the simultaneous improvement of efficiency and yield. Based on the poly multilayer film technology, selective poly layer technology is also superimposed, which ensures passivation while reducing light absorption and improving the double-sided rate, all in one go. The birth of this high-efficiency achievement is the crystallization of the in-depth integration of multiple cutting-edge technologies, and is a strong testimony of the close collaboration and perfect cooperation between Yingfa and the team.

Source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3WV_GzVVghr8O30qURSk4g

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