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Multiple headline companies set the mass production timeline of sulfide all-solid-state batteries

published: 2024-08-13 17:09

According to battery China, including Solid Power, Toyota, Panasonic batteries, Samsung SDI and other overseas enterprises, have chosen the sulfide route to develop all-solid-state. For China companies, such as CATL, EVE, Gotion, SVOLT, GAC, and other enterprises also anchored in the sulfide route.

It is worth noting that in the world are increasing investment in the field of all-solid-state batteries, research and development, China is gradually establishing an all-solid-state battery industry chain.

Many battery companies announce all-solid-state battery mass production schedule.

At the beginning of this year, in an interview with the media, Zeng Yuqun, chairman of CATL, expressed doubts about the imminent commercialization of solid-state batteries. At that time, Toyota said that solid-state batteries would be put into use as early as 2027, but Zeng Yuqun said that solid-state batteries for electric vehicles are still several years away from commercialization. The technology is not perfect yet, lacks durability, and there are still safety issues.

However, in June this year, CATL stated in an investor survey that if technology and manufacturing maturity were used as an evaluation system (1-9 score), CATL’s all-solid-state battery research and development project is currently at level 4, and the goal is at level 7-8 by 2027. It is expected to realize small batch production of all-solid-state batteries.

Wu Kai, chief scientist of CATL, also revealed earlier this year that CATL has a great opportunity to produce all-solid-state batteries in small batches in 2027, and the sulfide route is progressing rapidly, and a 10Ah-level all-solid-state battery verification platform has been established.

It is understood that all-solid-state batteries currently still face challenges in the solid-solid interface, lithium metal anodes, solid electrolytes, manufacturing processes and other dimensions. CATL has already developed high-specific energy, long-life cathodes, high-performance lithium metal anodes, and dry/wet methods. There has been progress in aspects such as pole piece preparation and battery core integrated molding process.

In June this year, EVE also revealed that the company chose the sulfide and halide composite solid-state electrolyte route on the all-solid-state battery electrolyte route. It is expected to break through the production process in 2026 and launch an all-solid-state battery with an energy density of up to 400Wh/kg in 2028.

In May, Gotion Hi-Tech released the company's self-developed all-solid-state battery product - "Jinshi Battery". The batteries adopts the sulfide electrolyte route, based on the micro-nano treatment of p-sulfur-silver germanium-type materials (D50 does not exceed 500nm), and its electrolyte can achieve high conductivity of more than 10mS/cm. According to Gotion Hi-Tech, its 30Ah all-solid-state battery cell can achieve a mass energy density of 350Wh/kg, a volume energy density of 800Wh/L, and the number of cycles of the battery cell system can reach more than 3,000 times.

In addition, in April this year, GAC Group announced an all-solid-state battery with an energy density of more than 400Wh/kg, which is scheduled to be installed in its Haobo model first in 2026. According to the analysis of industry insiders, GAC may have adopted sulfide electrolyte. In October last year, Toyota Motor Corporation and Japan's Idemitsu Kosan Oil Co., Ltd. jointly announced that they would strive to bring all-solid-state batteries into practical use from 2027 to 2028, and also use sulfide solid-state electrolytes, which can achieve large capacity and high power.

The mass production of sulfide in all solids is coming.

According to reports, last month, Ouyang Minggao Academician Workstation has made phased progress in the research and development of "sulfide electrolyte", a key material in all-solid-state batteries: the research and development of nano-scale "sulfide electrolyte" is about to enter the mass production stage, and a pilot line with an annual output of 100 tons is currently being planned. After the pilot line runs smoothly, before 2026, Academician Ouyang Minggao Workstation will build a thousand-ton mass production line.

As one of the leading electrolyte enterprises in China, it is reported that Tianci's Li2S and sulfide electrolyte will complete the laboratory pilot test this year, and plans to achieve pilot test and mass production in the next two years.

Easpring said on the investor interactive platform that the company has systematically laid out the technical route of key materials for mainstream solid-state batteries such as sulfides, oxides, and polymers. In the future, Easpring will continue to promote the production and sales of solid-state lithium battery materials according to market conditions and customer needs.

It is reported that Ronbay has laid out sulfide solid electrolytes with an ionic conductivity of > 10mS/cm, a stability of >75% to air, and a particle size of <700nm, as well as ternary cathode materials with a capacity of >207mAh/g, an efficiency of >86%, and a compaction density of >3.6g/cc suitable for all-solid-state batteries.

Li Congxi, President of the R&D System of Ronbay Technology, said that in order to realize the industrialization of sulfide-based all-solid-state batteries, it is necessary to continue to reduce the price of lithium sulfide, the basic raw material. In addition, on the road to the industrialization of all-solid-state batteries, it is also necessary to overcome the interface problems between solid-state electrolytes and cathode and anode materials, the synthesis of solid-state electrolytes, and the manufacturing process of solid-state batteries.

Source: https://news.bjx.com.cn/html/20240813/1394499.shtml

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