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Australia plans to promote the development of VPP to accelerate the replacement of coal-fired power with new energy

published: 2024-07-29 17:48

On July 25, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) issued a proposal to allow virtual power plants (VPPs) to compete directly with large power plants in the energy market, which will help promote photovoltaics to play a greater role in Australia's decarbonization process.

The proposal believes that promoting the development of VPPs will bring significant benefits to the National Electricity Market (NEM), not only helping to maintain supply security and grid stability, but also promoting Australia's decarbonization process, especially when coal-fired power plants are gradually retired and decommissioned. (Previous media reports said that coal-fired power generation is expected to completely exit the Australian power grid by 2038.)

The Australian Energy Market Operation Center (AEMO) said that in order to ensure that large-scale renewable energy generation can fill the gap left by the withdrawal of coal power from the market, grid investment must be increased. AEMC believes that this proposal is a "major opportunity" for consumers, retailers and the wider power system. The organization's research shows that adding CERs to the grid can bring about A$834 million (US$545 million) in cost savings (2027 to 2050), and will also further encourage the application of small-scale photovoltaic systems.


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