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26.72%!CHG EnSOL N-Type TOPCon Cell Efficiency Reaches New Peaks

published: 2024-07-25 17:49

Recently, CHG EnSOL Renewable Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Central New Energy Holding Group, has again made a breakthrough in the conversion efficiency of its N-type TOPCon cell. After last week's 26.66% cell efficiency achievement, the company's N-type TOPCon cell efficiency has risen to 26.72% after authoritative certification by the National Photovoltaic Industry Measurement and Testing Center (NPVM), marking another solid step and a new milestone in the field of PV technological innovation for CHG EnSOL.

This efficiency improvement is attributed to the three major technologies of“Star Shine”,“Star Shine”and“Star Shield”developed by CHG EnSOL. After rigorous testing and certification by NPVM, the efficiency of the company's 182-size N-TOPCon cell successfully broke through to 26.72%.

Since stepping into the new energy photovoltaic industry in 2022, CHG EnSOL has always regarded technological innovation as the core driving force of enterprise development. The company has continuously increased its investment in R&D, optimized its production process, and improved its product quality. In just one and a half years, the company has realized four consecutive major leaps in the conversion efficiency of N-type TOPCon cells, from 26.06%, 26.31%, 26.66% and then steadily increased to today's 26.72%.

Source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UknZU_pg61wd7PHu1AnYaw

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