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Japan: Renewable energy accounts for 38% in 2030! 363GW in 2035! Net zero emissions in 2050

published: 2024-07-03 17:35

Solar power and storage play a central role in Japan’s goal of strengthening energy security. As Asia’s economic powerhouse, Japan has become a global leader in the transition to carbon neutrality.

Although Japan's energy self-sufficiency rate has dropped from 20% to 11.3% after the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, Japan is still determined to improve its energy independence, with a goal of renewable energy accounting for 36-38% of its electricity structure by 2030, with a focus on increasing domestic renewable energy such as solar and wind power.

RE100, a corporate renewable energy advocacy organization, strongly recommends that the Japanese government significantly increase its renewable energy installed capacity from 121GW in 2022 to 363GW by 2035 in its upcoming 7th Strategic Energy Plan, and achieve a net zero emissions target by 2050.

At the same time, it is recommended that the Japanese government should strengthen cross-departmental coordination and adjustment, and simplify the site selection, license application and approval process for renewable energy projects. Making full use of distributed renewable energy, including solar energy, will significantly improve the flexibility and reliability of Japan's power grid. It is called on the government to formulate an open and transparent electricity price mechanism, clarify the grid connection costs, ensure that power generators and end users can fairly and reasonably share the regulatory costs, and provide solid guarantees for the long-term development of renewable energy.


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