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EU's Net Zero Industry Act comes into force

published: 2024-07-01 17:06

The European Union has published the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), i.e., it comes into force on June 29 for all 27 member states. The Act is designed to counter the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act and China's cleantech dominance, while kick-starting clean energy production across the continent.

The European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC) urges EU Member States to implement the NZIA provisions in public procurement, auctions and other forms of public intervention. By 2030, the annual capacity of the EU to produce net-zero products (e.g. solar panels) should meet at least 40% of the EU's annual deployment needs.

NZIA also proposes to simplify licensing for projects that promote the manufacture of clean energy equipment in the European Union, and the continent plans to achieve a 15 per cent share of global production of such equipment by 2040. The new law would require public bodies such as governments and local authorities to consider not only price but also the "sustainability and market resilience" of a product when purchasing cleantech products, with "sustainability and resilience" being given a 30 per cent weighting.


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