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NEA: Measures to be taken to avoid repeated construction of low-end PV capacity

published: 2024-06-21 17:12

On June 20, China National Energy Administration held a press conference on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development." Li Chuangjun, Director of the New Energy and Renewable Energy Department of the National Energy Administration, stated that solar energy, as a clean energy source, has been gaining increasing attention from countries around the world. Currently, the competition in China's photovoltaic (PV) industry is indeed very intense. To guide the healthy development of the industry, the following measures will be taken:

Consolidating the market for new PV installations in China. A stable domestic market is the "cornerstone" and "ballast" for the sustainable and healthy development of China's PV industry. There will be a balanced emphasis on both centralized and distributed development. On one hand, the construction of large-scale wind and PV bases will be strengthened, focusing on desert, Gobi, and wasteland areas. On the other hand, the "Lighting Up Thousands of Households" initiative will be steadily implemented to vigorously develop distributed PV power generation. Additionally, the construction of a new energy infrastructure network will be accelerated to improve the grid's capacity to accept, allocate, and regulate new energy power generation, including PV.

Strengthening multi-departmental coordination and regulating the PV power generation industry order. Relevant departments will cooperate to organize industry associations to timely release information on industry scale, capacity utilization rates, and market demand, reasonably guiding the construction and release of upstream PV capacity to avoid the repeated construction of low-end capacity and striving to create a favorable market environment.

Continuously enhancing PV technology innovation capabilities. The leading role of the national energy research and innovation platform will be fully utilized, guiding resources towards supporting the research and innovation of advanced technologies and advanced capacities, promoting key technological breakthroughs in efficient solar cells, and advancing the technological upgrading of key basic materials. In collaboration with relevant departments, efforts will continue to strengthen the construction of the PV industry standard system, reinforce the leading role of standard innovation, and promote the healthy development of the industry.

Additionally, it was revealed at the conference that China has made positive progress in building a new energy system, including solar energy. This progress is mainly reflected in a greener energy structure, stronger supply resilience, a newer industrial system, and a more solid governance foundation. Moving forward, China will further advance the construction of a new energy system and accelerate the development of new energy productivity.

"In recent years, with the rapid large-scale growth of new energy, including PV power generation, the transition to a clean and low-carbon energy system has been accelerating, and the characteristics of energy supply and demand have also changed. To better promote the development of new energy, we will actively push for the construction of the electricity spot market, forming time-based price signals that more timely reflect the supply and demand of electricity. Currently, six regions—Shanxi, Guangdong, Shandong, Gansu, Western Inner Mongolia, and Hubei—have already achieved guiding users to use more electricity during periods of high new energy generation through price signals. Furthermore, we will expand the coverage of the spot market, steadily and orderly promoting the participation of new energy in the electricity market, and use effective market mechanisms to promote the consumption of new energy and the sustainable and healthy development of the new energy industry," said Li Chuangjun.


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