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France's first quarter photovoltaic installed capacity data is freshly released

published: 2024-06-18 17:46

Data from a report by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition showed that France's installed photovoltaic capacity in the first quarter was 1GW, and the cumulative installed photovoltaic capacity reached 21.1GW by the end of March.

In January-March this year, about 1,013MW of photovoltaic power stations were connected to the grid in France. Compared with the United States, which added 984MW in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 639MW in the first quarter of last year.

As of the end of March 2024, France's cumulative photovoltaic installed capacity reached 21.1GW. Of this, about 20.3GW was deployed in mainland France, and the rest was distributed in Corsica and France's overseas territories.

Currently, there are 27.3GW of photovoltaic projects to be connected to the grid, of which about 6.3GW have signed preliminary grid-connection agreements.

So far this year, the New Aquitaine, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte Côte d'Azur regions and the Grand Est region account for 47% of all new grid-connected capacity. These regions have the highest photovoltaic installed capacity, accounting for more than 53% of France's total cumulative power generation as of the end of March.


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