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ENGIE Acquires 6GW of PV and Energy Storage Projects from Belltown Power to Further Expand Its Presence in North America

published: 2022-11-17 9:30

French energy multinational ENGIE announced on October 27 that ENGIE North America has acquired a 6GW portfolio of PV and energy storage projects from Belltown Power in the US. The portfolio contains 33 projects, of which 2.7GW belongs to standalone PV projects, 0.7GW belongs to PV-plus-storage projects, and 2.6GW belongs to standalone battery energy storage projects. The projects are located across several regional electricity markets of the US, including the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the Pennsylvania New Jersey Maryland Interconnection (PJM), the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC).

Paulo Almirante, ENGIE’s Senior Executive VP in charge of Renewable Energy Management and Nuclear Activities, said the deal will accelerate the development of clean energy sources across the US and improve the country’s grid system in terms of flexibility, resiliency, and reliability. In its announcement, ENGIE also stated that the company’s total installed capacity in North America for renewable energy reached 3.9GW by the end of June 2022. The company aims to raise its global installed capacity for renewable energy to 80GW by 2030.

The projects in the portfolio are in the various stages of development. According to the reporting from other websites, Hernan Farace, CEO of Belltown Power, said the transaction with ENGIE represents a “great milestone” for his company as a developer of greenfield renewable energy projects.

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