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TSMC Announces That It Has Cut Its Annual Carbon Emissions by About 2 Million Tons and Will Eventually Make a Full Transition to Renewables

published: 2020-07-16 4:00

TSMC, the global leader in the semiconductor foundry business, announced on July 8 that the total renewable power generation that it has acquired so far through power purchasing agreements has reached 1.2 gigawatts. Its annual carbon emissions have also been reduced by 2.189 million metric tons. The official press release related to this announcement states that TSMC will continue to heed the international calls for energy conservation, carbon reduction, and green manufacturing.

TSMC already developed an energy strategy that aims to be mutually beneficial to both the semiconductor industry and the environment. In implementing its corporate social responsibilities, the company took part in a voluntary green power purchasing program that was run by Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs between 2015 and 2017. During this two-year period, TSMC rose to become the island’s largest customer of renewable electricity by purchasing a total of around 400 gigawatt-hours.

The press release further points out that TSMC procured another 910 gigawatt-hours in 2019 through power purchasing agreements, renewable energy certificates, and carbon credits. The company also came to the milestone of having its overseas operations wholly consume renewable electricity in the same year. Then in May of this year, TSMC joined the first group of 13 local companies that purchased renewable electricity through wheeling transactions after the recent liberalization reforms of Taiwan’s energy sector. As of the end of July 2020, TSMC’s total renewable power generation is projected around 1.2 gigawatts. Thanks to favorable policy changes in Taiwan’s energy market, TSMC will be acquiring more renewable electricity in the future to fulfill its mission of achieving environmental sustainability for its business.

J.K. Lin, who is TSMC’s senior vice president of information technology and material and risk management, said via the press release that his company is an advocate of green manufacturing and pushes for sustainable development in Taiwan. Lin added that TSMC has been and will always be a responsible procurement actor that eagerly seeks out any economical and practical renewable energy solutions. TSMC is a supporter of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and hopes the rest of the industry will follow its footsteps. Going forward, the company will do its utmost to establish a sustainable supply chain for semiconductor products.

TSMC’s announcement also includes a few updates to its renewable energy targets. According to the press release, 25% and 100% of electricity supplied to TSMC’s fabs and non-fab facilities respectively will come from renewable sources by 2030. Furthermore, TSMC has set the goal of eventually making a full transition to renewables over the long term. The press release concludes that the company will spare no efforts in supporting environment-friendly practices and actions that will protect our planet.

 (News source: TechNews. Photo credit: TSMC.)

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