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Cannabis Real Estate Developer Green Sage, LLC Leads the Way in Sustainability

published: 2020-04-24 15:00

 Green Sage, LLC celebrates Earth Day 2020 by announcing their commitment to sustainability and ecological intelligence in all their cannabis real estate development projects. Their aim is to set a positive course for product, process design, and development in a way that will allow both natural products and technical systems to support the diverse living population on earth while considering materials as assets, not liabilities.

Image by Alissa De Leva from Pixabay

Using Cradle to Cradle Design and the Circular Economy as guiding principles, Green Sage engaged Fendley Sustainability Advisors to perform a current inventory and assessment of their ~450k SF cannabis-producing properties in Oakland, California.

The inventory and assessment focused on safe and circular material flows, energy efficiency and renewables, respect for clean water, and social fairness.

This initial sustainability benchmark exercise has paved the way for meaningful decisions and actions by Green Sage leadership to ensure they remain among the most sustainable and eco-effective cannabis real estate development firms in the United States.

The conclusions of this assessment demonstrate an embedded commitment to sustainability within Green Sage management. Using innovative sustainability tools and certifications, Green Sage is screening building materials and other materials for their safety in addition to their potential to be recovered, reused, recycled, or composted.

100% of energy used in Oakland is renewable from California wind and solar, advanced water filtration and purification systems are used to ensure clean water flows, and social fairness policies are currently being developed based on inspiration from B CorporationUN Global CompactSocial Hotspots Database, and SA8000.

The proactive vision of Green Sage is setting the industry standard for sustainability, and will continue to lead by example in the quest for the highest quality properties for cannabis brands.     

Green Sage, LLC is a real estate investment firm focused on the legal North American Cannabis Industry. If you would like more information about this topic, please contact us at info@greensagemb.com.

Fendley Sustainability Advisors is a sustainability consulting firm that can quickly evaluate the sustainability potential of products, technologies, and basic raw materials using peer-reviewed scientific data. We offer a variety of consulting services, including Restricted Substance List (RSL) compliance advising for product manufacturers. Our ultimate goal is to help companies develop a plan of continuous improvement toward 100% good for humans and the environment.


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