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Trina Solar’s IPO Postponed While Jinko Power Triumphed

published: 2020-01-11 9:36

Trina Solar, one of the largest solar powerhouses in the world, tried to apply for IPO, which was expected to be clear sailing for the company.

However, the Sci-Tech Innovation Board, China’s equivalent to NASDAQ, has not approved Trina’s application. The status is now “postponed.”

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Jinko Power’s successful application

Jinko Power, on the other hand, has applied successfully to be listed on the Main Board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

As of the end of June 2019, Jinkopower has achieved grid-connected capacity of 2.95 GW, which is comprised of both ground-mounted PV projects (2.16 GW) and residential PV projects (790 MW).

This accounted for 1.6% of China’s entire cumulative installed PV capacity at the end of June 2019.

These PV installations are spread out across China, such as Zhejiang, Hebei, Qinghai and more.


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