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Preliminary Ruling for Review on US’s Anti-dumping Duty Announced, the Lowest Rate Goes to 7.72% [updated]

published: 2016-12-30 15:46

U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) has published results of the preliminary ruling for the third review on U.S.’s anti-dumping duties on certain crystalline solar product imports from China in a Notice on December 22. The separated anti-dumping rates has been revised to 7.72~30.42%, while there are some exceptions.

U.S. DOC launched the anti-dumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) measure on certain Chinese solar imports on December 7, 2012. On February 9, 2016, the department announced to start the third review on the rates with a period of review (POR) of December 1, 2014 through November 31, 2015.

The Notices revealed that, based on an analysis of U.S. Customs and Border Protection information and comments provided by some companies, seven companies under review were found no shipments during the POR. The seven companies are therefore categorized as “non-market economy cases.” Though DOC will not rescinding this review, but it intends to complete the margin based on the final results of this review phase.

26 companies will be charged separated rates of 7.72%, 13.97%, and 30.42%, respectively based on their dumping margins.

Three companies that did not file a separate rate application or certification with DOC will be requested to pay a duty rate of 238.95% when importing solar products under the scope of investigation.

The results from this ruling makes Trina Solar the biggest winner again, who will enjoy the lowest duty rate of 7.72% over all competitors. Nonetheless, “the impact caused by trade barriers has been gradually eliminated thanks to production capacity established by large-scale Chinese solar companies in third-party countries,” explained an analyst at EnergyTrend. “The industry will suffer less from the AD/CVD duties compared with in previous years,” added the analyst.

(Update note on 2017/1/12: We have mistakenly use the term "anti-subsidy (countervailing)" in the original version of this article, while the correct issue was andi-dumping. Corrections have all be done.)

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