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HT-SAAE HIGHWAY PV Modules Passes TUV Reliability Test

published: 2016-11-16 17:07

The HIGHWAY PV module products developed by Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (HT-SAAE) has recently been granted the "Triple IEC Standard" certification that tests the reliability of PV module products released by TUV Rheinland, the technical certification provider.

HT-SAAE has earned many TUV certifications for the company's outstanding performance in different areas. The latest one shows that the long-term reliability of its PV module products is excellent. The recognition reinforces the company's leading position in the PV industry. It also further sharpens HT-SAAE's competitive edge in that particular area.

According to TUV Rheinland, there are only a few PV module producers around the world that have completed the "Triple IEC Standard" test. The test evaluates the performance of PV modules to see if they are reliable and safe in the long-term. The "Triple IEC Standard" test, known as the ultimate reliability test, is much stricter compared to other reliability tests.

The test results show that every piece of module samples from HT-SAAE has passed the test with output degradation less than 5%. Compared with the degradation of tested modules from other companies, that of HT-SAAE is far less. In addition, the result of the 300h-PID test indicates that output degradation of HIGHWAY PV modules is less than 2%, topping many of its peers.

Shi Lei, General Manager of the photovoltaic business department at HT-SAAE, said that the reliability of PV modules in 25 or even 30 years is of great significance as they are crucial parts of the photovoltaic power generation system. "The HIGHWAY PV modules have topped their peers in the market. They've already hit oversea markets such as Japan, Brazil and India. It gives our clients confidence and assurance for them to make informed investment decision."

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