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JA Solar Named as Winner of China’s “Top Runner Program” Suppliers

published: 2016-06-02 18:51

China launched “Top Runner Program” in 2015 to encourage PV installers to use PV modules with better quality for improving the country’s PV industry transformation. As part of the program, China’s NEA and related authorities planned to build 3GW demonstration projects in three phases. The first phase, 1GW Datong, Shanxi province demonstration project, is required to be completed by June 30, and JA Solar has supplied 420MW of high-efficiency PV modules for the project.

JA Solar has always been one of the industry leaders depending on its core technologies and product quality. For the Top Runner Program (or “Front Runner Program”), JA Solar has delivered nearly half of total PV module demand, including conventional monocrystalline Cypress modules, conventional polycrystalline Cypress modules, double-glass modules, and 150MW of Percium modules. The company’s reliable products also won it an award among the Program suppliers from the Chinese government.

Percium modules incorporate monocrystalline cells using PERC technology and the series products currently have conversion efficiencies of up to 21%. The power output of 60-cell modules exceeds 295W, and that of 72-cell modules exceeds 345W. Percium modules feature better low-light performance, a lower temperature coefficient, lower light attenuation, and better PID resistance.

"JA Solar's modules are not only taking an ever larger share of the market in China, but are also becoming increasingly popular in other countries," said Mr. Jian Xie, President of JA Solar. "Our modules are in short supply, so high-efficiency products are increasingly favored by our customers. We intend to continue our track record of technical innovation, with the goals of better conversion efficiency and improved manufacturing processes.

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