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OCI Solar Power and Partners Launch Mexico’s First Utility-scale PV Plant

published: 2016-04-18 18:25

Mexico’s first utility-scale solar park has been celebrated construction on April 14 by OCI Solar Power (OCISP), Buenavista Renewables (BVR), the La Salle educational network and Leoni Cable.

Locating in Moctezuma, Chihuahua, Mexico, the Los Santos Solar I solar park received US$40 million of financing from the North American Development Bank (NADB) and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). After commencing operation, the plant will provide energy to La Salle educational network’s northern district and Leoni Cables, SA de C.V., a German-based company and leader in the production of cables and cable systems through a 20-year PPA.

“Mexico is a country with tremendous potential for solar development. We are pleased to be entering into this market as solar emerges as a highly competitive energy source,” said SH Yoon, President and CEO of OCI Solar Power. “We look forward to continued work with BVR and additional projects in Mexico.”

Los Santos Solar I is the first of a multi-stage project and will consist of 52,000 PV panel. The power generation of the solar project is expected to offset over 16,500 metric tons of CO2 emission and 57 metric tons of NOx every year, equal to removing almost four thousand vehicles from the road each year or supplying electricity to twelve thousand homes.

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