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SunLink Offers All-terrain Applicable GeoPro Mounting System

published: 2016-01-28 15:54

SunLink Corporation unveiled the new ground-mounting system solution “GeoPro” that helps solve project challenges such as irregular site boundaries, steep or uneven terrain. The solution can be deployed easily and can be changed even at the very last minute of module installations.

The 2016-version GeoPro was grounded on the company’s 1GW PV projects connection experience. The mounting system can be used for ungraded sites, constant slopes and rolling terrain, it also features “Foundation options” and “Post Placement Options.”

The foundation options include W-section, round post, screw pile, helical, cast-in-place ballast or a hybrid of options. When refusals or abnormal soils are encountered, the system will be retained because of Swap-in ballast in the field at a single location. No matter what the environmental conditions are, an optional addition of third foundation on each table will standardize table sizes across a portfolio.

The Post Placement Options offers capability to facilitate projects in high snow or very poor soils without adding lateral capacity to the posts. It also maintain the traditional off-center post location to optimize for high wind environments

“Our design philosophy is simple – to offer an inventory of standard components that can be combined in a variety of unique ways to engineer whatever solution is required,” explains VP of Products Kate Trono. “And if project circumstances change, the system is nimble enough to accommodate new conditions without adding lead time.”

In connection with GeoPro, SunLink offers both a full suite of PowerCare geotechnical, post driving and mechanical installation services as well as highly regarded project management and engineering support to help customers realize maximum benefit from GeoPro’s versatility.

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