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Florida Water Treatment Plant Operated by Suniva’s Solar Solution

published: 2015-09-16 14:59

In 2010, the City of Fernandina Beach, Florida installed a small beta solar system on a wastewater treatment center. After realizing the benefits of the system, the City decided to install a larger Suniva ground-mounted solar array to further reduce their electricity costs and safeguard a long-term, stable power source.

“These high-powered Suniva panels are an excellent asset to our solar generation facilities at our wastewater treatment plant,” said John Mandrick, utilities director for The City of Fernandina Beach. “The City of Fernandina Beach Utilities Department is committed to practicing good environmental stewardship and continually looks for ways to reduce their carbon foot print.”

Suniva, a USA-born, USA-manufactured solar PV company, has recently participated in some high-profile solar installations in Florida. Just over one year ago, Florida’s first-of-its-kind solar powered water treatment plant went live in Coleman, Florida and earlier this summer, Suniva announced that the largest commercial rooftop in the state is now Powered by Suniva®.

The concept of using clean energy to power waste water facilities has gained a lot of interest. In addition to the two waste water treatment centers in Florida, Suniva powers the 5MW array at the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) wastewater treatment center in Maryland and the 1.9MW array at the water reclamation facility in Cary, North Carolina. For more information about Suniva-powered water reclamation facilities, click to view a case study.

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