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Solar-Tectic’s Superconductivity Invention Awarded Patent in the US

published: 2015-04-24 11:01

Solar-Tectic LLC’s (ST) invention, which is able to enhancing the electricity carry capability of superconducting wires or tapes, has awarded patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The invention can help increase solar output efficiency.

US patent (13/155,508) titled "Enhancing Critical Current Density of Cuprate Superconductors" discloses a method for enhancing the critical current density in superconductors by restricting the movement of Abrikosov (A) vortices, Josephson (J) vortices, or Abrikosov-Josephson (A-J) vortices using the half integer vortices associated with the d-wave symmetry present in the grain boundary. The methods of the invention also provide ways to fabricate cuprate superconducting tapes on single crystal metallic substrates.

Improving the critical current density or "Jc" of superconducting tapes can allow for efficient long distance transport of electricity generated by solar power to and from, for example, smart grids and private homes.

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