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Deployment of Global Strategy Remains the Focus after Taiwan AD Tax Rate is Lowered

published: 2014-12-18 18:20

The result of the US-China anti-dumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) was finalized on December 17th. Taiwan producers were imposed an average AD tax rate of 19.5%, lower than the preliminary determination of 24.23%. The following is a summary of the responses from the major Taiwan producers:

Motech indicated that the final result was totally in its expectation. It will continue to request for revocation to the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) in order to get the most beneficial result for Taiwan. Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs is also doing its best to provide assistance to Taiwan manufacturers, asking USITC to revoke the case.

New Solar Power’s shipment ratio to the U.S. in the first eleven months of 2014 was only 0.71%. Since the overseas strategy is still an important part of the global deployment, it will continue to evaluate the possibilities for building production sites in the U.S., Europe, and other Asian countries, to fulfill other market demand.

Tainergy and Solartech had the same tax rate of 19.5%. Tainergy claimed that it has successfully adjusted its customer structure during the investigation period. By expanding shipments to Europe, Japan, and Asia, it can reduce the impacts from the US-China trade war effectively; Solartech pointed out that it will focus more on deployment of global strategies because the final tariff is lowered and its shipment ratio to the U.S. in the first three quarters was only 0.3%. This year, it built alliance with TEK SENG Holdings Berhad to expand to the Southeast Asia.

The tax rate imposed on Gintech is 27.55%. Although Gintech’s shipment to the U.S. from January to November, 2014, only represented 1.17% of its total shipment, there are some ways Gintech would use to respond to the change – get more orders from other regions, adjust supply rules to the U.S. market, accelerate the development of the emerging markets, and work on global strategies.

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