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China Plans to Install 200GW of Wind and 100GW of Solar Power by 2020

published: 2014-10-14 17:09

A representative from China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) unveiled that the nation has already set a clarified energy plan by 2020 to install 350 GW of hydropower, 200GW of wind power, and 100GW of solar power.

NEA’s plan consists of principle focusing both on centralized and distributed generations. In areas where are wide and resourceful, it is courage to build large-scale solar and wind farms. In contrast, distributed solar/wind generating systems are encouraged in densely populated areas where consume more power. By 2020, NEA plans to reach installation targets of 200GW of wind, 100GW of solar. Besides, capacity of nuclear power plants is aimed to reach 58GW and further 30GW shall be under-construction also by 2020.

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