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JA Solar’s Multi-si PV Cells Reach a 20% Conversion Efficiency Record

published: 2014-09-30 18:08

JA Solar has created multi-si solar PV cells surpassing 20% conversion efficiency. The achievement was announced only nine months after the research team had achieved 19% efficiency.

Through using advanced proprietary light trapping and surface passivation technologies, the JA Solar researchers increased 1% conversion efficiency in multi-si PV cells. The 20% efficiency is a new world record for multi-si PV cells.

Dr. Wei Shan, Chief Scientist and General R&D Manager, said: “Consecutive record-breaking results by our multi-si solar cells are a great achievement for our R&D team, but, we have only just begun.”

The achievement gives stronger confidence to JA Solar’s plan of realizing solar cells with even higher performance. JA Solar plans to mass produce multi-si cells using the new technology and integrate its new high-efficiency multi-si cells into commercial module assemblies in 2015, noted SolarServer.

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