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Trina Solar, Canadian Solar Comment on the Preliminary Determination of Anti-dumping

published: 2014-07-30 16:41

Being imposed anti-dumping (AD) tariffs, Trina Solar and Canadian Solar separately released statements that noting their response to U.S. Department of Commerce. Both companies express dissatisfaction to the preliminary decision.

Trina Solar was a compulsory respondent to the China investigation and is hit by the lowest tariff rate of 26.33%. It opposes the preliminary findings and believes the allegations made by SolarWorld are contrary to the principles of free and fair trade and are unfounded. Trina Solar will actively defend its position in these administrative proceedings and will try to remain its business in the U.S. market.

However, Canadian Solar, which is imposed on tariff of 42.33%, directly points out its frustration in its statement. Thomas Koerner, General Manager of Canadian Solar Americas division, said: “We are deeply disappointed by the DOC's decision, especially in context of the overwhelming damaging impact on the U.S. solar industry.”

Koerner describes the AD tariff as a destroyer to the U.S.’s solar industry job creation and affordable clean energy. He responds in his statement that: “While we applaud the government's vocal dedication to sustainable development and job creation via fostering the solar market; the pattern of protectionism directly contradicts these commitments.” He also warns that this decision will cut tens and thousands of jobs across the entire U.S. solar industry.

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