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SCHMID Group Sells First PERC Turnkey Production

published: 2014-05-19 11:56

Chinese manufacturer signs sales agreement for 40MW cell production

The SCHMID Group announces the conclusion of a contract concerning a turnkey production with a Chinese PV manufacturer. The customer, who wants not to be mentioned, will produce high efficiency mono PERC cells with selective emitter (SE). The production line with a capacity of 40MW annually contains only the latest of SCHMID's technology, e. g. TinPad. For Dr. Christian Buchner, Vice President of SCHMID's PV business unit, the sales of the line proves the success of the group's product strategy: "The market is no longer only about efficiency increase and cost reduction, but about the most advanced and sustainable cell architecture." SCHMID has been offering PERC/SE equipment for several years. The tense market situation has slowed necessary technology upgrades by the PV manufacturers so far. Buchner is quite optimistic, however, that the business is to increase soon. He already has a product portfolio to produce IBC cells and bifacial cells as well.

SCHMID shows production processes for these latest trends from 20 - 22nd May at the SNEC in Shanghai (E3 -360 ), and from 4 - 6th June at the Intersolar Europe in Munich (A3 -490 )

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