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Germany’s Renewable Generation Reaches 74% of Power Needs at a Midday

published: 2014-05-16 14:07

Germany, one of the leading countries when it comes to renewable energy technology, achieved a record of generating 74% of nationwide power needs through clean energy.

This is a record written on May 11th midday when the country’s power generation came 74% from renewable energies, especially from wind and solar. Think Progress wrote that renewable energy sources met a record 27% of Germany’s electricity demand thanks to more installations and favorable weather, producing 40.2 billion kWh of electricity.

This year, the German Cabinet has approved a reformation policy of EEG to cut some subsidies for clean power although the country aims to reach an 80% rate of clean power. The reformation is recognized as an act to balance the economy and development. A 20% penetration of renewable energy is not as difficult as people may think, cited Bernard Chabot in Think Progress’ essay, but the rate beyond 50% needs combinations with even higher efficiency, more infrastructure and progressive storage solutions.

In the past decade, renewable energy in Germany has grown by a rapid step, bringing the country a global paradigm. Although 2013’s new PV installation declined from 2012 and the subsidies for renewable power will be cut, the German government still endeavors to develop related technologies and encourage more installations. As people are getting more conscious of the importance of renewable energy, it’s both a technological and political issue of how to achieve the 80% goal.


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