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Martifer Solar Completes two Photovoltaic Projects In Spain in a total of 4.26 MWp

published: 2013-03-20 14:35

Martifer Solar, subsidiary of Martifer SGPS, has just concluded two photovoltaic projects in Spain, in a total of 4.26 MWp. The company was responsible for the engineering, procurement and construction of the projects, a photovoltaic park of 3.8 MWp in Lorca, Murcia, and a rooftop installation of 460 kWp in Toledo, being in charge, from now on, of the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) services of both installations.

The Lorca plant, owned by third parties, occupies an area of 4.5 hectares and it consists of about 15,800 modules, which are installed on MPrime solar trackers, Smartracker® technology. With a production capacity of 7.145 GWh/year, it will be able to avoid approximately 1,700 tons of CO2 emissions per year, generating enough electricity for the consumption of over 6,000 inhabitants.

The 460-kWp installation was built in the rooftop of the Prilux Group facilities, in an area of 7,500 m2. With over 1,800 modules installed in fixed structures, it has a production capacity of 0.67 GWh/year, an amount of energy equivalent to the consumption of about 500 inhabitants. This photovoltaic system will avoid approximately 160 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

"These projects reflect the excellent work that Martifer Solar always carried out in Spain, the country where we have already installed 60 MW. Although this is a mature market, which has been facing many changes in the sector regulation, we still deserve the trust of our customers and partners, being known for our experience and quality, in every business segment", says Jesus Pacheco, Martifer Solar’s COO for Spain.

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