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Meridian Australia to Build Mt Mercer Wind Farm

published: 2012-09-03 14:40

Meridian Energy Australia– a wholly owned subsidiary of Meridian Energy Limited – will soon start construction on Mt Mercer, a 64 turbine wind farm in Victoria, Australia.

Meridian Chief Financial Officer Paul Chambers says Mt Mercer will cost approximately AUD$260 million to build.

“This project increases Meridian’s existing presence in Australia and further leverages Meridian’s proven experience in designing, building and managing wind farms.”

Construction of the 131 MW Mt Mercer wind farm, located 30km south of Ballarat, will start in December and will take approximately two years.

“Wind is well positioned in Australia as the most viable renewable generation technology,” says Mr Chambers. “Australia’s renewable energy targets requiring approximately one fifth of electricity generation be produced from renewable sources by 2020 means that generation with a total capacity of more than 80% of New Zealand's entire generation base must be built in Australia by 2020.

“Australia’s long term regulatory support and the quality of this project ensure that Meridian will get an excellent return on Mt Mercer.”

Meridian is also currently trialling its retail business Powershop in Australia.

“Powershop could be a natural adjunct to our renewable generation portfolio in Australia,” adds Mr Chambers.

Mt Mercer will be Meridian’s third wind farm in Australia. Meridian owns and operates Mt Millar wind farm in South Australia, and is partnering with AGL Energy to build the Macarthur wind farm in western Victoria, which, at 420 megawatts, will be the largest wind farm in the Southern Hemisphere.

Key facts about Mt Mercer

64 turbines, 131MW wind farm, located 30km South of Ballarat, Victoria

Occupies seven conjoined landholdings (2,460 hectares)

Construction will start December 2012; Full power in December 2014

Contractors: REpower Systems SE (turbine technology); Downer EDI (Civil works); Transmission Operations (Australia) (transmission line)

Will help meet Australia’s Mandatory Renewable Energy Target that requires around one fifth of electricity to be generated from renewables by 2020

Mt Mercer will be Meridian’s third wind farm in Australia

Meridian previously owned Wattle Point, a wind farm in South Australia.

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